How Driverless Cars might Change the Future of Mobility

Imagine this. You commute in a car that operates minus any human oversight. That’s your sneak peak into what the future transportation will look like. Though driverless cars are not at the ready currently, they will be commonplace sooner than you think. That’s because, driverless technology is the new interest zone for tech companies and car incumbents. Once the technology is mainstreamed, personal mobility will take a giant leap forward, and car ownership and e-hailing models change. As we sit on the threshold of a disruption, it’s important to know how exactly driverless cars might change the future of mobility. Convenience : The whole idea of going driverless is based on convenience. You travel from point A to point B without having to man the wheels, as software will do that for you. Make a conference call, catch up your favorite sitcom, indulge in a gaming session, or simply sit back and unwind with your family and friends in your very own mini leisure room. The ...